These are some of the paintings I've made since arriving in China. They are gouache on bristol board and about 4 inches on their short sides. In case you are wondering about the Chinese stamp, I got that made on the last Outsourcing Mission. People sell this service on the street where you can get your name carved in Chinese on a stone stamp. Laowais ask for the stamp to say 'Steve' for instance, thinking there is some direct translation for that meaningless word. So often the stamps have Chinese characters that rhyme with their English targets. I asked the guy to put "BPL" on this stamp. He looked it up in his book of name translations, probably a publication made just for his trade, and gave me this stamp, which is essentially gibberish. I think it is quite appropriate as a representation of my corporate identity. I think if you click on an image, a larger one will open in a new window...